Meet Manisha Wolan '04
Where do you live?
I live in the Houston area.
What do you do for work currently?
I am a Recruiter for YMCA. My territory consists of branches in New Jersey. I am responsible for sourcing candidates to fill positions at all levels.
What did you learn at IC that helped you get to where you are today (personally or professionally)?
I learned about the power of networking!
How did you get involved with IC after graduating (did you volunteer? Did you speak in a classroom? Attend events?)?
The very first event I took part in after I graduated was attend a High School college fair as an ambassador of Ithaca College in Hong-Kong. That was a unique experience as it allowed me to be on the other side of the college admission process. Though it was a side I had been familiar with, having worked at the Admission Office on campus during my time at IC. When I lived in the NY metro area, I was active in the Regional Committee. In this capacity, I would attend or host regional events and participate in planning some of them as well. One of the larger alumni events was the annual NY Network Night.
Why do you LOVE IC?
I have met so many interesting people and even after graduating continue to do so through our alumni events.
Anything else interesting/pertinent that you’d like to include: (Are you close with other alumni? A professor you loved? Student orgs you were involved with?)
I discovered Ithaca College by accident! Before college, I lived in London and when it came time to take my SATs, I had to do so at an American Institute. The Ithaca College London Center location was a choice that was convenient to me, so I went there to sit that exam. Somehow IC got me on a mailing list and started sending me brochures, magazines and prospectus'. I couldn't ignore the beauty on the front covers so I started reading about the college. Eventually I applied. When I got in I had trouble deciding if I wanted to go to IC or St Lawrence, which was my first choice. The thing that swayed me was the personal touch from the Admissions office. I received an acceptance e-mail outlining the details of my personal essay and was told how a student of my background would do well at IC. I took a leap of faith and chose IC, where I met some incredible professors that I am still in touch with today, made some good friends and where I met my husband!